make a difference
Volunteer with the Stitch Community
Since 2014, over 1240 volunteers have made an impact on social isolation & loneliness in over 83 cities worldwide.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Stitch Community, a not-for-profit charity dedicated to addressing loneliness and social isolation for the members of society over 50 years old who need it most.
Loneliness is considered the “the epidemic of the 21st century”, with research increasingly proving that it is far worse for your health than obesity, poor diet, alcohol or lack of exercise.
No matter where you live or what your experience is, we’d love your help in addressing loneliness in your local community.
Could you be our next Stitch Community volunteer?
Please note that volunteers must be eligible to be members of Stitch themselves, so must be aged 50 years or older.
How We Make An Impact
The story in numbers
Stitch’s most recent member survey showed a 54% reduction
in loneliness & isolation among participating members.
Tackling Loneliness Head On
How the Stitch Community helps
Organising activities for members of the community who are socially isolated is at the core of what we do, with those members often going on to become volunteers themselves.
Volunteers provide a shoulder to lean on when it’s needed. It could be taking someone to hospital, or providing social support to those who need it, or just being there to help out.
Everything that happens as part of the Stitch Community is driven by unpaid volunteers, who are driven solely by the goal of helping enrich the lives of other people.
Building Communities, Creating Connections
Volunteering for the Stitch Community has got to be the best volunteer job in the world, as it’s all about having fun.
But it’s having fun with a purpose.
For Stitch and Wipeoutloneliness, that purpose is helping establish small local communities, wherever you live, to create social connections and help address loneliness and isolation.
At Stitch, we call our volunteering program our Pioneer Program, as our community volunteers are the pioneers helping to establish social connections in new areas.
One of the great things about the program is that it’s built completely around providing Pioneers with the support, encouragement, and guidance they need, by buddying them with Community Mentors — who are also volunteers themselves.
Learn more about what Community Pioneer Volunteering entails below.
How the Pioneer Program Works
Watch the video below to learn about how the Pioneer Program works, and the opportunities for you to get involved either as a Pioneer or Mentor.
Why become a Pioneer?
All Pioneers receive a boost to their Stitch membership, to help enable them to make a positive impact in their local community.
Limited members receive an upgrade to a Full membership for the 4-month duration of the program. Full members receive an even bigger boost, with an upgrade to the next highest membership level for their entire current membership period.
Pioneers tell us the program not only helped them build connections in their own local communities, but also make fantastic new friends with thei Mentors and the other members of their support group!
Did you know that increasing someone’s social connections can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia, and depression? As a Pioneer, you’ll be making a positive difference on all the lives of all the members in your local area. You’ll literally be saving lives!
I am loving being a Pioneer!
I have already built new friendships with the other members in my group,
and it’s really helping me make great connections in my local area.
Make the most of it!
Being a Community Volunteer is super fun and rewarding, and we actually find that most volunteers tell us they want to do more than just create regular activities — they want to participate more.
You are more than welcome to fully immerse yourself and take full advantage of Stitch — attend other people’s activities, host additional events of your own, create your own interest groups, join other groups that interest you, and participate in the online discussion forums. We encourage you to make the most of it!
don't hesitate to call.
is fair to say that volunteering for Stitch has changed my life.